Film Editor. Storyteller. Consultant.
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Fish & Men Test Embed

Fish & Men

Editor, Writer & Producer

Dir: Adam Jones & Darby Duffin
Fish and Men Productions, Inc

Audience Award, Best Doc, New Hampshire FF 2019
Best Environmental Doc, Hamptons Doc Fest 2020

About the Process: Nothing captures the dangers of commercial fishing as well as Russell’s story of being nearly lost at sea. The problem in the edit room: how to cut his single camera, 29 minute tale into a cinematic scene. We didn’t have the budget for animation or re-enactment. I came up with an idea to use stock and archival footage to create an impression of a first person experience. I imagined seeing things through his eyes: the water coming at me, waves rising high above me, feeling small in the ocean, and the sound of a constant storm. After Russell sees the boat: we switch to a 3rd person perspective of the rescue as though its filmed on a 1980s VHS. We used day for night and added vfx treatments to conform the look of the footage.

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