Film Editor. Storyteller. Consultant.


Dammed to Extinction at OMSI

On November 12th, Dammed to Extinction screened at OMSI’s Empirical Theater. It’s a huge IMAX screen that seats an audience of 300. We sold 317 tickets and not a seat was empty in the whole house.

Photo by Michael Peterson.

Photo by Michael Peterson.

I was on a tight deadline that day for another client and almost didn’t make it out. I thought since it was a Tuesday night it might be a small showing. Shows you what I know!

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It was incredible see the whales on the big big screen. They really are majestic creatures. The man next to me cried. I was really taken aback by that. When he found out that I was the film’s editor, he asked, what does a film editor do? Oh, I wish I had a simple answer.

Heidi Zimmerman